At Hy-Vee, we understand our customers desire for fresh, local products. That’s why we created the Hy-Vee Homegrown program. When you see the Hy-Vee Homegrown logo, you can have confidence that the produce was grown within 200 miles of that store.
Find which local growers are providing Hy-Vee Homegrown produce to your favorite Hy-Vee store using the map below.
Hy-Vee Homegrown products are manufactured, produced or grown in our eight state operating area. This map does not represent all vendors carried by Hy-Vee. Icon placement is approximate.
Featured Grower
Daniel’s Produce
Columbus, NE
Daniels Produce is a family owned and operated grower-packer-shipper of fresh produce. They proudly raise over 500 acres of sweet corn, bell peppers, cucumbers, cabbage and zucchini. They will also have a small quantities of melons, tomatoes, and eggplant for our retail stands.
Quality is of the utmost importance to Daniel’s Produce and guides every improvement that we make on the farm. They deliver "solutions" that consistently exceed the expectations of our most demanding customers and remain committed to establishing new standards of quality.
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Visit our YouTube channel to view all of our Homegrown videos.