Go ahead and sleep in a little. With these awesome breakfast and brunch recipes, you can get the prep work done the night before. Snooze...
Fruit Salad with Pound Cake Croutons
Doesn't that sound delicious? You can make the pound cake croutons the night before and quickly assemble your salad in the morning.
Make-Ahead Pancake Casserole
Pancake Casserole? With blueberries? Yes, and yes. Just assemble the night before and bake it off in the morning.
A Lotta Strata
This beauty can also be assembled the night before and baked in the morning. Just remember to bring to room temperature before baking.
Fab Fruit Pizzas
Easily make the cookie crust the night before. Then all you have to do is frost and top in the morning.
Grapefruit-Guava Gummies
A playful addition to brunch, these sweet—and awfully fun to eat—gummies can be made a couple of days in advance and stored in the fridge.
Homemade Granola
Served with a bit of yogurt or packaged as a brunch party favor for each guest, homemade granola is an easy, thoughtful recipe to prepare for guests.
Lemon Cheesecake
It's always better to make cheesecake the day before you serve it. That way it has plenty of time to set up and chill.
Grapefruit-Raspberry Mimosa
Mimosas can be made in minutes, just before serving. But remember to chill your champagne or sparkling water in the fridge the night before. Cheers!